Exploring algebraic change and relationship: A qualitative study for aspiring mathematics teachers

Dede Suratman, Edy Yusmin, Silvia Sayu, Nadya Febriani Meldi, Dona Fitriawan


Background: This study stems from the necessity to explore the proficiency in algebraic change and relationship among sixth-semester pre-service mathematics teachers, considering they have comprehensively encountered most mathematics content subjects. 

Aim: The primary aim is to delineate the ability of change and relationship in algebraic material and identify common errors, thereby contributing insights to enhance the overall quality of mathematics education.

Method: Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, this research involved eight students selected based on their responses to instrument questions. The instrument utilized high-level essay questions, validated with a PISA orientation and developed in alignment with the assimilation of new knowledge specific to local students. Data were analyzed descriptively using Miles and Huberman’s model.

Result: Findings revealed that when confronted with PISA-level questions equivalent to junior high school level, participants exhibited difficulties, making errors in calculations, concepts, information accuracy, and in connecting or converting the given information.

Conclusion: The study underscores the imperative for holistic guidance on high-level questions like PISA for aspiring mathematics teachers, serving as a catalyst for educational innovation, particularly in mathematics education.


Change and relationship; algebra; pre-teachers of mathematics

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