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Author Guidelines

This is the Author Guidelines for English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris.

ATTENTION. Please carefully read the following guidelines and prepare your manuscript accordingly before submission. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the Contact Person provided. Your manuscript might be rejected if you don’t follow these guidelines.


Withdrawal Policy:

Authors are strongly discouraged from withdrawing submitted manuscripts after they have entered the publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.). Please note that valuable resources and time have been invested by English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris in processing the manuscript.


Similarity Check:

All manuscripts will undergo a similarity check upon submission. Manuscripts with a similarity score of more than 20% will be returned to be edited and manuscripts with more than 25% similarity score will be automatically rejected.



  1.  Language
  2. Format and Length
  3. Structure
  4. Authorship
  5. Abstract
  6. Introduction
  7. Methods
  8. Results and Discussion
  9. Conclusion
  10. Headings
  11. Citations and References
  12. Tables and Figures
  13. Acknowledgments


Manuscripts must be written in English. Please ensure that your manuscript is thoroughly proofread before submission.


Format and Length

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Open Document (.odt), Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Open XML Document (.docx) or older Microsoft Word (.doc) format. Other file formats, especially uneditable formats (LaTeX, PDF, etc.) are not acceptable.
  • Use a single-column page format with no specific page margins or line spacing requirements.
  • The main body of the manuscript should be structured into four sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion. Use bold capital letters for these section headings.
  • Manuscript length can vary, but the main body should be a minimum of 5,000 words, excluding the abstract, tables, references, appendices, etc.



The manuscript should contain the following elements in the specified order:

  1. Title (maximum of 10 words)
  2. Full names of all authors
  3. Affiliations of all authors (Department/Division, Institution, Address, City, and Country)
  4. Email of the corresponding author
  5. Abstract
  6. Keywords (4-6 words)
  7. Introduction
  8. Methods
  9. Results and Discussion
  10. Conclusion
  11. Acknowledgments (if there is any)
  12. References



  • Include the full names of all contributing authors in the correct order for publication.
  • Provide a correct email address for the corresponding author.
  • Each author's full name should be presented in the format they wish to appear in the publication.
  • Authors must meet the criteria for authorship, which include substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work, acquisition or analysis of data, drafting or critical revision of the manuscript, and approval of the final version for publication.


  • The abstract should be a single paragraph of maximum 350 words.
  • Present a cohesive summary, starting with a brief introduction to the research background.
  • Include the research problem, purpose, methodology, results, and implications for theory and practice.
  • Emphasize the main conclusion and the implications of the research, rather than providing detailed numerical results.


Introduction Section

  • Provide a comprehensive introduction that highlights the existing body of knowledge in the field of English education, from a broader scope to a more specific area.
  • Discuss previous publications and their contributions to the field, identifying research gaps.
  • Emphasize the novelty and rationale of the proposed research, supported by at least five recent key literature sources.
  • Refer to a minimum of 20 references, preferably citing primary references from internationally reputable journals and conference proceedings published within the last 10 years.
  • Avoid excessive detailing of basic theoretical ground already established in the field.
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Copyright Notice

Authors who submit a manuscript agree that, if their work is accepted for publication in English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris (EE:JTBI), the copyright will be assigned to UIN Raden Intan Lampung, the journal's publisher. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to complete a 'Copyright Transfer Agreement' form by the online version of this agreement. The copyright form should be signed electronically and send to the Editorial Office in the form of the original e-mail:

The Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) Form can be downloaded here: [Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) Form English Education]



Privacy Statement

English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris respects the privacy of the authors and handles personal information with utmost care. When submitting the manuscript, we will only publish the email address in our journal. We understand the importance of efficient communication during the review process, and to facilitate this, we may use the phone number and WhatsApp provided in the template as a convenient way to contact the author.

Rest assured that we are committed to maintaining the privacy of our authors. We will not disclose authors’ phone number to any individuals or entities outside of our editorial and review team. Authors’ contact information will be used solely for communication related to the review and publication process of the manuscript.

If authors have any concerns or questions regarding the handling of authors personal information, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial team.